Q: How can I order
A: You can order easily using our online platform. When you find a product you need, you can add it
to cart, login, check-out and go through the ordering process. After the order is placed, you
will receive an order summary to your email. Order summary will also be stored to your account.
Q: Do I have to order online?
A: Online ordering is preferred in most cases because by ordering online, you will save time, you will have
an easier payment process and all the information about the order will be accessible for you anytime.
You can also send your order to office@ambapikin-eurofaricanshop.ro or by calling 0733784479.
Q: What information should I input when ordering?
A: Our online ordering system will ask for all the important information you should submit regarding
your order and delivery such as your contact details, address and email address for communication.
This will make sure the shipment is not delayed and you can be reached for any clarifications.
Q: What is the lowest price guarantee and how does it work?
A: Our goal is to provide you with the lowest possible price. If a competitor has an item
available online at a lower final price (after any duties, tax and shipping costs), we will beat it by
5%. The lowest price guarantee is only between online retailers within Romania.
To qualify for a price match, all the following must apply.
• Shopping cart must contain minimum of 5 different products
• All products within the cart must be of same type, brand, weight and not BBE (best before
expiry products) and same conditions
• The Competitor site must have the products in stock
• The Competitor site must be a Romanian based organization
Please notify office@ambapikin-eurofaricanshop.ro with the screenshot for the qualifying products and we will beat
the price by 5%.
Q: What payment methods can I use?
A: You can use all the major credit cards and Cash on Pickup.
If we have not received the payment, then your order will not be processed.
Cash on pickup, payment method is only applicable when he/she wants to pick up the order from the
Q: Are the final prices inclusive of all VAT?
A: Yes, all prices are inclusive of VAT and there are no additional taxes levied.
Q: What should I do if the payment is not accepted?
A: Please try again in a little while. If the payment is still not accepted, please verify with your credit
card. If everything is as it should be, but you still can’t make the payment, please notify us about the problem. We can manage the
order manually.
Q: What are the delivery charges?
A: Delivery charges are dependent on the order value.For orders below 250 Ron, a flat shipping fee of 25 Ron will be added to
the shipment charges out of Cluj-Napoca. This will also depend on the quantity bought in terms of kilograms. Therefore delivery
charges might be flexible. You can see the shipping fees on the checkout process before the payment is made.
One can also choose to pick up the order from the store for free. For pickup orders please notify us
office@ambapikin-eurofaricanshop.ro and inform about the pickup date and time.
Delivery within Cluj-Napoca is 10 Ron for orders below 250 Ron.
Q: When will my order ship?
A: Once your payment is confirmed, your order will be processed immediately. All confirmed
orders received before 10:00 AM will be processed within the day and during extra ordinary
volumes next business day.
Please note there are no shipments processed on Saturday, Sunday and Romanian public holidays.
Q: What are the expected delivery times, and Can I track my order?
A: We will send you the tracking code of the shipment when the parcel has been sent. It takes 2-3
days for the order to reach you after it has been processed. In case, you have any queries please notify us
at office@ambapikin-eurofaricanshop.ro
Q: How can I change delivery address?
A: Sign in, to your account and go to „my account”. On „my account” you can change all your contact
information. For existing orders that are not shipped, please contact us at office@ambapikin-eurofaricanshop.ro
Q: Can I cancel my order?
A: If you want to cancel your order, please do so as soon as possible.If we have already processed
your order, you need to contact us and return the product.
Q: Do you have the product in stock?
A: All the products which are shown on our site are available. For additional product requirements
please notify us and we will try to source this product for you and have this on our catalog.
Q: How to contact customer service?
A: If you have a question regarding our online store (ordering, account questions, technical questions),
please contact office@ambapikin-eurofaricanshop.ro or call/whatsapp at 0733784479